ADCS Collaborative Approach to the Community

The ADCS serves as a scientific resource to support academic investigators, biotech companies, and other Principal Investigators (PIs) who have interventions that they wish to test in multicenter clinical trials that could benefit from collaboration with the ADCS. Over the last 5 years, the ADCS has evolved an interactive process whereby it can receive interest from PIs or other collaborators, to present to its Intervention Selection Committee (ISC) where a program review and proposed collaboration is undertaken with follow-up feedback to the presenters. This ADCS review follows an evaluation framework, developed by the ISC members, and benefits from the breadth of expertise of its members including preclinical, and clinical expertise in drug development as well as in lifestyle or multidomain interventions. The committee chair and Director of the ADCS, Dr. Howard Feldman or his delegate, provides feedback to those presenters after receiving back and collating reviews of the ISC. It is focused on next steps and sets up ongoing dialogue that can continue through the early development of the compounds or programs being presented.

To date, the ADCS ISC has advanced three programs from early discussions with to collaborations that include the ADCS undertaking POC multicenter clinical trials utilizing the network infrastructure of sites of the ADCS across the United States.


The ISC is constituted to evaluate potential programs of interest for ADCS collaborations. This may include programs brought to the ADCS by commercial sponsors including pharma and biotech, by academic investigators, and fosters these collaborations. The ADCS has developed an evaluation framework for this purpose and is constituted with broad cross-functional expertise to address pharmaceutical as well as non-pharmaceutical/behavioral/social interventions. The ISC has members with expertise in each of these respective areas.

Responsibilities of Members

Members will be asked to review materials, participate in monthly meetings, provide program evaluations, alternate taking the lead in the presentation of new programs, and at quarterly ADCS Steering Committee Meetings as applicable where updates on the collaboration pipeline are presented.

Term of Membership

3 years with option to continue or step-down

Membership Selection Process

Potential new members are recommended and brought forward by current committee members and ADCS Associate Directors.

If you are interested in presenting your program to the ISC please contact the committee chair, Dr. Howard Feldman at (cc to schedule an initial discussion.

Committee Members

Portraits of Howard Feldman, the new director of the UC San Diego Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study in UCSD in San Diego, Calif. on Tuesday April 19, 2016. Photo by Tracy Bouian + David Ahntholz

© Copyright 2016 Tracy Boulian and David Ahntholz,

Howard F. Feldman, MDCM, FRCP(C)

Professor, Department of Neurosciences

Director, Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study

Dean, Alzheimer’s Disease and Neurodegenerative Research

University of California, San Diego


Paul R. Territo, PhD

Senior Research Professor of Medicine

Division of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine

Stark Neurosciences Research Institute

Radiology and Imaging Sciences

Purdue Electrical and Computer Engineering

Indiana University School of Medicine


Barry D. Greenberg, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurology

Director, Alzheimer’s Disease Translational Center

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Stacey J. Sukoff Rizzo, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Neurobiology

Department of Medicine – Aging Institute

Director, Preclinical Phenotyping Core

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine


Lawrence S.B. Goldstein, PhD

Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

University of California, San Diego

Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Doug Galasko, MD

Neurologist and Professor of Neurosciences

Associate Director of the Shiley-Marcos ADRC Clinical Core

University of California, San Diego


Xu Chen, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Neurosciences

University of California, San Diego


Steven E. Arnold, MD

Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Translational Neurology Head,

Interdisciplinary Brain Center

Massachusetts General Hospital

Dr. L Schneider_S

Lon Schneider, MD, MS

Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Gerontology

Keck School of Medicine

University of Southern California

Director, California Alzheimer’s Disease Center

Director, Department of Psychiatry Geriatric Studies Center


Haakon B. Nygaard, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Division of Neurology

Charles E. Fipke Professor in Alzheimer’s Research

Director, UBCH Clinic for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders

Staff Investigator, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health

University of British Columbia


Edward H. Koo, MD

Professor of Emeritus

Department of Neurosciences

University of California, San Diego


Malú Tansey, PhD

Norman and Susan Fixel Chair in Parkinson’s Disease

Professor of Neuroscience and Neurology

Co-Director, Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease,

Parkinson’s Foundation Research Center of Excellence,

College of Medicine |University of Florida


Michael Ahlijanian, PhD

Private industry

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) Representative


Howard Fillit, MD

Founding Executive Director and Chief Science Officer


Aaron Burnstein, PharmD

Head of Search and Evaluation


Laura Nisenbaum, PhD

Executive Director of Drug Development at ADDF