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Protocol Number
Protocol Name
Study Duration
Diagnostic Group(s)
Actual Baselined
Paper Publication Date
Data Portal Status
ADC-001Selegiline (SL)24 mosSelegiline or a-Tocopherol or Selegiline Placebo and a-tocopherol or Selegiline and a-tocopherol Placebo or PlaceboAD ADASCog, Blessed DRS, Blindness Eval, CDR, CERAD, ADL & Dependency Scale, Hackinski, MMSE, Modified UPDRS BL=341 04/1997
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ADC-002 New Instruments Trial (IN) 12 mos Non-Drug Study AD, NL ADL, CDR, CERAD, CGIC, CMAI, Hachinski, Executive Function, Facial Recognition, Letter Cancellation, Functional Assessment Staging, GDS, MMSE, Praxis, Severe Impair-ment Battery, Verbal Memory Immediate & Delayed Recall BL=306 06/1997
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ADC-002 New Instruments Trial (IN) (Spanish) 12 mos Non-Drug Study AD, NL ADL, CDR, CERAD, CGIC, CMAI, Hachinski, Executive Function, Facial Recognition, Letter Cancellation, Functional Assessment Staging, GDS, MMSE, Praxis, Severe Impair-ment Battery, Verbal Memory Immediate & Delayed Recall BL=94 06/1997
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ADC-003 Agitation (AP)24mos Haloperidol or Trazodone or Behavior Techniques or Placebo AD, NLAPOE, Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale, Blindness Eval, CGIC, CMAI, CERAD, CMAI, Hackinski, MMSE, Lawton and Brody ADL BL=149 11/2000
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ADC-005 Estrogen (ES)12mos + 3mos wash-outEstrogen (Premarin) or PlaceboMild-to-moderate ADADASCog, ADASRECALL, ADAS RECOGNITION, APOE, Blindness Eval, BDRS, CDR, CSF, CGIC, Dependence Scale, Emotional Recognition, Hachinski, Hamilton, Lumbar Puncture, MAACL, MMSE, Newdot, QOL, Trailpeg, UPDRS BL=120 02/2000
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ADC-007 Melatonin (ML)8wks + 2wks placebo wash-outMelatonin or PlaceboADADASCog, ADAS RECOGNITION, ADASRL, ADL, APOE, Blindness Eval, COSTINF, EMOTION, Hamilton, Hachinski, MMSE, NPI, Parasomnia Questionnaire, QOL, Sleep Disorder Inv, UPDRS BL=15711/2003
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ADC-008 Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)36mos + 4mos donepezil visitsVitamin E or Donepezil HCL (Aricept) or Placebo MCIADACog, ADL, APOE/DNA Storage, Beck, Blindness Eval,MCI-CGIC, CDR, CT/MRI, GDS, Hamilton, Hachinski, Logical Memory I and II, MMSE, Neuropsychological Battery, Oxidative Biomarkers/DNA Storage, QOL, RUI BL=76906/2005
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ADC-010 Normal Control (NL)36mosNon-Drug StudyNLADACog, ADL, APOE/DNA Storage, Beck, Blindness Eval, Cleveland QOL, CGIC, CDR, GDS, Hamilton, Hachinski, Logical Memory I and II, MMSE, Neuropsychological Battery, QOL, RUITarget Enrollment=100PendingClosed
ADC-011 NSAIDS/Non-Steroidal (NS)12mos + 2mos wash-out Vioxx (Rofecoxib)25 mg or Alleve (Naproxen) 200 mg or Placebo Mild-to-moderate ADADASCog, ADL, APOE/DNA, Blindness Eval, CDR, CT/MRI, Hachinski, MMSE, NPI, QOL, RUI BL=35106/2003
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ADC-012 Valproate (VP)6wks + 6wks open label Divalproex Sodium or PlaceboProbable ADBPRS, CMAI, Hachinski, MMSE BL=15311/2005
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ADC-014 TAP/DAP of Diffuse Lewy Body10wksQuetiapine(Seroquel) or Donepezil (Aricept) or Quetiapine and Donepezil or PlaceboAD, DLB, PDADL, BPRS, CGIC, MMSE, NPI, R-MDS-D, UPDRS BL=4004/2007
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ADC-015 Simvastatin (LL)18mosSimvastatin or PlaceboMild-to-moderate ADADASCog, APOE/DNA Storage, Blindness Eval ,CGIC, Dependency Scale, Hachinski, MMSE, NPI, QOL, RUI BL=40608/2011
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ADC-016 Homocysteine (HC) 18mosFolate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 or Placebo ADADASCog, ADL, APOE/DNA Storage, Blindness Eval, CDR, CT/MRI, Hachinski, QOL, MMSE, NPI, RUI BL=40910/2008
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ADC-022 Valproate Neuroprotection (VN)24mos + 2mos wash-out Valproate or PlaceboADADL, ADASCog, APOE, CDR, CGIC, Biomarker, ClinEval, CDR, CMAI, CT/MRI, Family History, MMSE, NPI, QOL BL=31308/2011
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ADC-023 Huperzine (HU) 24wks + open label Phase I up to 48wks + open label Phase II up to 72 wks Huperzine A or PlaceboMild-to-moderate ADADASCog, ADL, Blindness Eval, CGIC, CT/MRI, Hachinski, MMSE, NPI BL=21004/2011
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ADC-025 Antioxidant (AX)16wks + follow-up phone callVitamin E plus Vitamin C plus a-Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme Q, or PlaceboMild-to-moderate ADADL, Biomarkes, BPRS, GDS, Hachinski, Lumbar Puncture, MMSE BL=7807/2012
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ADC-027 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 18mosDocosahexaenoic Acid or PlaceboADADAS-Cog, ADCS-ADL, APOE, CDR-SOB, FFQ, Hachinski, Lumbar puncture, MMSE, MRI, NPI, QOL BL=40211/2010
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ADC-030 Home-Based Assessment (HBA)1.9 - 4.1 yrsNon-Drug studyMCIAPO-E, DNA Banking, MMSE, MCI ADCS-ADL, Logical Memory Test, Boston Naming, Category Fluency, Digit Span, Trail Making Test (A & B), Digit Symbol Substitution, Immediate and Delayed Word Recall, East Boston Memory, Abbreviated TICS, QOL, Brief Cognitive Function Screening, Behavioral Scale, CGIC, Resource Use Inventory BL=42211/2018
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ADC-037Resveratrol (RES) 52wks500 mg resveratrol by once daily increasing at 13 week intervals to a maximum of 1,000 mg by mouth twice daily OR placeboMild-to-moderate ADADAS-Cog, CDR-SOB, ADCS-ADL, NPI, MMSE. Biomarkers include total Aβ, Aβ40, Aβ42, total and phosphorylated tau protein levels, rate of whole brain, hippocampal, and ventricular atrophy, as well as entorhinal cortex thickness change using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) BL=11910/2015
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ADC-038TCAD 52wksEdonerpic maleate or PlaceboProbable ADADAD-Cog, ADCS-CGIC, ADCS-ADL, Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ), MMSE, MRI (whole brain volumes, lateral ventricular volumes, and hippocampal volumes), Neuropsychiatric Inventory, CSF concentrations of Aβ40, Aβ42, total tau, and phospho-tau181 (p-tau) BL=48407/2019
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