The ADCS Biomarker core at UCSD banks biosamples from ADCS clinical trials.

Thank you for your interest in ADCS legacy trials. All of the samples below are available for sharing upon request. Please complete the Data Access and Sample Request form to request any of the samples below. To download the request form, please click on the link or button found below and submit your completed form to:

Once your form is received, the ADCS Data and Sample Sharing Committee will review your request, and upon approval, a fully executed DUA (for data) and/or MTA (for samples) will be completed prior to data and sample sharing.

Please note that for recently completed trials, access to ADCS trial data remains restricted until the study’s primary manuscript has been published. Please also review the ADCS Data Access Policy and ADCS Publications and Citations Policy .

To request samples, please complete the Data Access and Sample Request Form and submit it to

Protocol NumberStudyPlasma AliquotsSerum Aliquots CSF Aliquots DNAWhole BloodPaper Publication Date
ADC-025Antioxidant (AX)0.5 mL
69 BL
66 Wk16
0.5 mL
491 BL
425 Wk16
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-027Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)11/2010
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-030Home Based Assessment (HBA)53411/2018
(Link to Pubmed)
DSBI Pilot131413
ADC-005Estrogen (ES)123 02/2000
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-016Homocysteine 0.1 mL
316 BL
290 M6
277 M12
271 M18
(Link to Pubmed)
IGIV trials 0.5 mL
235 BL
0.5 mL
65 BL
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-008Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) 0.5 mL
509 Screen
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-011NSAIDS/Non-Steroidal (NS) 0.5 mL
“NSP“ 325
“NS“ 110
(Link to Pubmed)
Prednisone3 mL
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-037Resveratrol (RES)0.5 mL
118 BL
118 Wk52
0.5 mL
115 BL
115 Wk52
(Link to Pubmed)
Rosiglitazone0.2 mL
ADC-001Selegiline (SEL)3 mL
60 BL
50 M24
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-015Simvastatin (LL)0.2 mL
BL 395
M18 334
(Link to Pubmed)
TCAD (Toyama)0.05 mL
92 BL
62 Wk52
(Link to Pubmed)
ADC-022 Valproate Neuroprotection (VN)0.5 mL
BL 191
M24 114
(Link to Pubmed)

Material Transfer Agreement

In addition to the Data Access and Sample Request form linked above, a material transfer agreement (MTA) must also be completed before samples can be shared.

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a legal contract that establishes terms, conditions and a record of a transfer of tangible research materials between the owner and a recipient for research purpose, and is required for material coming into and going out of UC San Diego.

Examples of tangible research materials:

  • Mice
  • Plasmids
  • Reagents
  • Human materials (blood, tissue, etc.)
  • Cell lines
  • Vectors

If you have any questions, please contact